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Bignor Roman Villa is the stunning remains of a Roman home with world-class mosaic floors in a spectacular Downland setting. One of the largest villas open to the public in Great Britain, with some of the finest mosaics all in-situ and all undercover.

Walk on original floors dating back to 350AD and imagine the excitement of George Tupper who in 1811 uncovered the Summer Dining Room Fountain after striking it with his plough. The site still remains in the ownership of the Tupper family and has just become a registered charity.

Come and see the unique Georgian covering buildings that have protected the site so well for over 200 years. The buildings are unique and historically important in their own right.
Enjoy our museum tearoom, picnic area and gift shop with exquisite views of the South Downs. Outside the Roman Villa, walk through the beautiful Nyetimber vineyard and explore the endless footpaths and stunning villages in the heart of South Downs National Park.

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